Junior Eurovision 2016: Dunja Jeličić – U La La La (Serbia)

Flag of Serbia Serbia – RTS
Broadcaster Website: http://www.rts.rs ESC Website: http://www.rts.rs/page/rts/sr/pesma+evrovizije/junior.html 


Artist: Dunja Jeličić
Song: U la la la
Age: 13 years
Composer(s): Vladimir Graić
Writer(s): Leontina Vukomanović and Dunja Jeličić
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dunjajelicicOfficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dunja.jelicic/
[Vid_principal id_video=”zvBUPFyAkoE”]


Dunja Jeličić was born in Belgrade on November 11th 2003. As a child she showed interest for music and reacted to the every tone and sang and danced to the rhythm of music. At the age of six she became a member of the children’s choir “Čarolija with which she performed many concerts as a soloist. She was a contestant in the competition “Prvi srpski talenat (First Talents of Serbia). At the annual competition “Zlatna sirena” she won several first places in different categories and genres. She also took part at the music festival “Čarolija in 2012.

In 2014, she competed in a big talent show for children “Pinkove Zvezdice” (Pink Stars) where she made it to the semifinals with amazing scores. She won the love of the audience with her flourishing vocals and sincerity. A year later, she was the Serbian spokesperson at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest where her homeland was represented by Lena Stamenković, on of her colleagues at “Pinkove Zvezdice”

She is currently engaged in preparing the musical based on the life of Nikola Tesla “Tesla: The Secret of Electropy” (Tesla: Tajna Elektropije) where she will be playing one of the leading rolls.

Dunja enjoys different music genres, pop, rock, r’n’b… Her favorite performers are Beyoncé, Ariana Grande and many more. She has a wide range of interests and is very creative. She likes art and swimming. Music and acting are talents she possesses and which she aspires to continue developing in the future.

This talented Serbian singer is now in seventh grade of elementary school and also goes to music school where she is in fifth grade playing the piano.

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Official Music Video Performance at Serbian Magazine Live in Concert


Увек ми се тако јави
Ритам што ме дира
Једна зараза у глави
Али тада знам

Свима нама овај корак
Исти ритам свира
Плаво небо нам је правац
А планета стан

Да се споје разне боје
То је добар план

Хајде сада сви у глас
У ла-ла-ла-ла-ла
У ла-ла-ла-ла-ла
Око целог света
У ла-ла-ла-ла-ла
Ми исти смо
Црни и жути, бели
Ко луд је да нас дели

Подигните у вис руке
Ко за љубав мари
Боље да нас има висе
То је добар знак

Онај који би да ћути
И да само квари
Не мозе нам ништа стварно
Није тако јак

Кад се споје разне боје
Отераће мрак

Хајде сада сви у глас
У ла-ла-ла-ла-ла
У ла-ла-ла-ла-ла
Око целог света
У ла-ла-ла-ла-ла
Ми исти смо
Црни и жути, бели
Ко луд је да нас дели



A rhythm that appears
in my mind and in my ears
makes me feel I’m at home
and I know I’m not alone.

For the tapping of our feet
matches the cosmic beat.
The sky is our aim
and the Earth is our home.

Wouldn’t it be just swell
if we mix all colors well?

Let’s all sing together
U lalalalalalala
U lalalala
Around the World
U lalalalala
Black and white are both the same
who makes a difference lost the game!